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23 October 2019, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Tommaso Moraschini
You are kindly invited to the upcoming talk.
Tommaso Moraschini will speak about:
Profinite Heyting algebras and the representation problem for Esakia spaces
When: Wednesday, 23 October at 16:00.
Where: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam.
Abstract: A poset is said to be "representable" if it can be endowed with an Esakia topology. Gratzer's classical representation problem asks for a description of representable posets. A solution to this problem is not expected to take a simple form, as representable posets do not form an elementary class. Since at the moment a solution to the representation problem seems out of reach, we will address a simpler version of the problem which, roughly speaking, asks to determine the posets that may occur as top parts of Esakia spaces. Crossing the bridge between algebra and topology, this task amounts to characterizing the profinite Heyting algebras that are also profinite completions of some Heyting algebras. We shall report on the on-going effort to solve this problem, and on some preliminary results.
This talk is based on joint work with G. Bezhanishvili, N. Bezhanishvili, and M. Stronkowski.
For more information, see or contact Jan Rooduijn (j.m.w.rooduijn at
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